What this world needs are people who will value God’s Word, Learn it, Speak it and Live it.
One of the key beliefs of Bible Believers is that anyone can understand God’s Word. There is no class restriction, no educational prerequisite, and no entry fee. The only things required are to 1. Open the Bible and look at it for yourself and 2. Trust the work of God the Holy Spirit to teach you.
This personal understanding has the power to change lives. Bringing people into fellowship with God.
I am on a mission to know God’s Word personally. From that understanding I intend to speak it in a way that points people to God and live it in a way that glorifies God.

Proverbs 25:11 is the theme of this blog:
A word fitly spoken Is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11
I’ll be seeking to put action to my commitment to Study and Apply scripture and help others to do the same.
Will you Join me? Will you seek God in His Word and endeavor to live out its’ teachings?
Start by reading along with the blog, Subscribe to get every post in your email.
Then Join in the conversation in the comments section. I look forward to hearing how God is using His word in your life.