A Beautiful Thing! (Blog Theme Verse Explained)

Have you ever seen a setting of jewelry that make you wonder about its’ designer? Maybe it was gaudy or flamboyant, and just seemed out of place everywhere. However there are times in nature when you might be taken aback by the simple beauty you see. 

When I look at a spring flower I see design, elegance, unmatched grace and true beauty.

The simple beauty of the right thing said at the right time is a lot like this spring flower.

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.”
Proverbs 25:11

What was something someone said to you that was just the right thing at just the right time? It may have been a piece of advise, word of encouragement or a verse of scripture that was just what you needed.

There have been many times when I have said just the wrong thing at just the wrong time. I have my fair share of foot-in-mouth moments.

One of my main areas of ministry is with teens. These young people get the chance to hear me teach every week in Sunday school and other times in Bible Club. One of the things we work on is understanding scripture. When my teaching isn’t making sense they have the freedom to stop me and ask. It’s not about being flawless, it’s about being understood. Understanding can lead to true life change.

God has taught me so much through teachers and preachers who said the right thing at the right time. Public speaking isn’t the only way to make a difference. About a year ago I was teaching and in the lesson I gave a salvation application. One of my students had some questions, really meaningful questions. I was answering these questions and listening to the student when one of the other students leaned forward and asked the first student; “Are you saved?” This simple caring question led to the first student getting saved that morning. Though unscripted, these words were “fitly spoken”.

God’s word is very practical. It fits in every situation.

That’s the purpose this blog. “You can learn, speak and live God’s word.” If I can help you learn God’s word, encourage you to share it, and motivate you to live it… more people will have stories about just the right words that were spoken at just the right time. 

In the process I need your encouragement too.

What stories do you have of saying or hearing the right thing at the right time?

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