About Me

This is me
Me on Easter Sunday

Hi, my name is Jonathan Spilger. I am the Associate Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, in North St. Louis County, Missouri. I serve primarily in Youth and Children ministries, though in a small church I have the opportunity to get involved in all kinds of things. I also work in a family owned shop in the Spanish Lake Community. But my heart is for Bible Study and Application, it always has been.

This blog is my way of sharing some of the things I learn in Bible Study and how I have applied them. I’ll be writing about the results of my Bible study and occasionally about my study process, and tools.

I firmly believe that EVERYONE can study and understand God’s word. And I want to encourage you to make efforts in Bible Study.

When I was younger I and a few of my friends started a club called “Boys for Christ.” The idea was for us to encourage each other in Bible reading and study. (With a bonus: who doesn’t want to be in a club?) I wanted all of my friends to have a part in this so each of us had an official club role. We didn’t do as much as I had initially hoped. We met a few times, and then the shine wore off and we didn’t meet anymore. The “Boys for Christ” are all full grown now, we’re all serving God (though in different places in the country) and a few have told me that that silly kids club helped them want to know the Bible better.

I hope my tactics are less childish now even though my motivation hasn’t changed. Everyone can know God”s Word! And everyone should know God’s Word. 

You can know God’s Word. You have something to share with others 

If you’ve had a taste of the wonder of Bible Study and want to be encouraged to do more of it, this is a blog for you. 

I will typically post about twice a week; one shorter post early in the week and one longer one later in the week. The shorter posts will be quicker devotionals or thoughts about Bible Study, while the longer posts will give more space to dig deeper into a passage, topic or tool and zero in on application.

Please subscribe to get these posts in your email inbox or RSS feed.


I am a runner, and enjoy walking and hiking. I find that the outdoors help me get perspective (cliche’… I know). I’m also a tech nerd. I love technology and all the stuff you can do with it. I especially love Apple products. The original structure of my website was put together on my iPad because I wanted to see if I could do it. (Thank you WordPress)

I was born again at the age of 4 after being confronted about sin (probably disobedience) by my mother. She showed me from the Bible that because Jesus loves me He paid the price for my sin by dying on a cross. And that I could be have everlasting life with God by believing in Him.

I have been doing Bible study since I could read. I remember trying to use a Strongs Concordance when I was 10. I took my first Bible Study Methods class when I was 13 and to say it changed my life would be an understatement.

Around the age of 8 I was called to preach. There was no burning bush or bright light from heaven, but it was just that clear. 

Since that time I’ve been studying. I attended a Bible School hosted in my church and took a bunch of other online classes. I have preached and taught through many Bible books. And while I’m very happy with what I’ve learned, I haven’t scratched the surface. I am humbled by the depth and consistency of God’s Holy Word.


This is my personal blog. What I write here are my ideas and opinions and may not necessarily represent Grace Baptist Church.