How to know You’re Living in the Last Days

1 Timothy 4:1-5

The roles of Pastor and Deacon are necessary for a church to function as God intended. But God wanted Paul to pass on some further teaching to Timothy about the condition of the church, and how he could respond to it.

The Holy Spirits Told about the Last Days

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” 1 Timothy 4:1

“the Spirit speaketh expressly”

God the Holy Spirit has a specific message that Paul had received, that Timothy needed to be aware of and that we feel the implications of today.

Paul had warned the leaders of the Ephesian church about this before. He told them that there would be attacks from outside the church and apostasy from inside the church.

28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.  29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.  
30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.  
31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.  
32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. Acts 20:28–32

Departure from the Faith

Apostasy – Warren Wiersbe defines apostasy as “a willful turning away from the truth of the Christian faith.” (The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 224). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)

These are people who have been in church but are choosing to leave the truths of God to go after something else. They are leaving truths taught in the kinds of churches Paul and Timothy are planting.

We see this in churches today as well. Young people who grew up in church are being drawn away in large numbers to go after some other kind of teaching. 

Paul doesn’t leave us guessing about the source of this other kind of teaching.

Seducing Spirits

These are spirits that are meant to deceive.

There are many counterfeits of the Holy Spirit in this world. They are presented in false teaching, in great shows of spirituality, and external displays of piety. 

The Holy Spirit doesn’t have to be conjured through empty babbling. His work is seen even when the background music hasn’t been perfectly timed to start with the last point of the message. 

Beware. Run away from anyone who claims a special message from God that you can’t see clearly in scripture.

Doctrines of Devils

Where it’s not a seducing spirit these false teachings come as doctrines of devils. 

The devil is just as willing to attack truth head on as he is willing to imitate it and distort it.

Watch out for those who constantly question the teaching of God’s word. This was the original tactic of the Devil in the garden (Gen 3). Doctrines of devils will rarely come with anything that resembles biblical authority or local reason. They only exist to cast doubt.

Grow in your personal knowledge of God through His word.

The Last Days are Characterized by Certain Types of False Teachers

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;” 1 Timothy 4:2

While false teaching may vary from person to person, time to time, and area to area; there are some things that are consistent about the teachers of false doctrine.

Speaking Lies in Hypocrisy

False teachers are very consistent in teaching people to live in a certain way, and then proving that they are unwilling or unable to live that way themselves.

Conscience Seared

These false teachers have consciences that are seared. They have no feeling to alert them to sin their own life, or to the pain, they bring on other people.

The Last Days are Characterized by Certain Types of False Teaching

3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.  
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:  
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4:3–5

False teaching may come in many different forms but there are a few points where we see a lot of consistency over the years. Paul points out two of these here and then responds to one of them.

Unbiblical teaching about marriage and food are linked with just about every form of false doctrine. It was no mistake that Paul mentions them here.

Forbidding to marry

Not allowing marriage has come in many forms. From the Roman Church not allowing priests to marry (we see the evil that has come from that) to the modern doctrine of devils about the biblical need for marriage in our day.

God intended Biblical marriage to be a source of good, happiness, and blessing and the evil workers of the last days will do everything they can to undermine it.

Commanding to not eat certain meats

Just like marriage, food becomes an easy tell for falser teaching.

Anyone who equates what you eat, or don’t eat, with spirituality is not teaching biblically.

Paul’s Response

Paul’s reaction to the issue of food is pretty straightforward. 

Everything is good… if it is received it with thanksgiving and sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

Your Turn

Hold to the Truth

In these last days, we as believers need to have a firm grasp on the truth. Study God’s word to find it. Be the faithful student of God’s teachers as they present it in a biblical church. Learn it well enough to begin teaching it yourself. 

Turn back to God

You may be reading this and have turned away from the faith. God will welcome you back.

Come back to Him, grow in His teaching. This may mean losing a friend or two, God will help you through these struggles.

The Purpose of Paul’s Writing

1 Timothy 3:14-15

Ever run late? 

We all do it occasionally. What type of person are you when you’re running late?

Do you text ahead? Leave them guessing? Call and talk to them the whole time you finish your trip there?

We can be thankful that Paul was the type to write ahead. Even though he wasn’t late yet, he wanted Timothy to have the instruction in this letter, just in case.

These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:” 
1 Timothy 3:14

Paul wanted to come to see Timothy and be with the Church at Ephesus. This letter was his way of helping Timothy know how to handle things in the church if he couldn’t come as soon as he hoped.

This is how Timothy was to Conduct Himself

"But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." 
1 Timothy 3:15

Paul wanted Timothy to know how to carry on with the church in Ephesus if he should be delayed from coming. The idea of “behave” in verse 15 isn’t meant to read as the opposite of misbehave. Paul wanted Timothy to know what to do, how he should carry on in the work of God in that place.

So far this instruction has included encouragement to stay true to Biblical doctrine, instruction for church meetings, and teaching for how to select church officials. There will be more as we go through this letter.

In committing these things to Timothy, Paul is setting a very important precedent: The work of God is bigger than one person. Timothy was gifted to do all of these things. God was with him to help him. 

You and I can learn how we are to “behave” in the house of God. In church meets God wants more from us than to just sit and listen. The word “behave” includes the idea of “keep busy”. How are you going to productively keep yourself busy in your local church?

What the Church is:

The last part of verse 15 is a powerful statement of what the church is. These 3 things give us some further insight into how we are to behave, after all the value of something can change how we treat it.

House of God

Here think “the family of God.”

If you are a believer, when you meet with your church you are gathering with God’s family. Look around you. Everyone you see is family. God cares from them, He cares for you… a lot!

You belong here. Whether you feel it all the time or not, you belong when you are with God’s people.

Church of the Living God

The Church (gk: ekklesia) is a group of people that are called out by God. Throughout the New Testament this term is used mostly to refer to local churches.

The church at Ephesus wasn’t just any assembly of people, neither is your church. It is the “church of the living God”. Is there life in your church meetings? How can you contribute to that life?

Pillar and Ground of the Church

The church is the “pillar and ground of the truth”. We could think of this like the strong pillars of an ancient building, standing on a solid foundation. Your church is to bear the weight of truth and stand strong in it. As time passes erosion may threaten below and wild storms above, but the church is the pillar and ground of truth

Verse 16 helps us see the significance of the truth we stand for.

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." 
1 Timothy 3:16

How well do you know and stand in the truth of God?

Your Turn

Church Member:

  • Learn how you are to “behave” in church. Don’t just attend meetings. Be the vital part of God’s work that He has called you to be.
  • Illustrate the truth of God alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Non-Church Member:

This post isn’t directly about church membership, but… You need a church. I know that there are church out there that don’t always show the life of the “living God”, churches that have given in to the storms and erosion that seeks to overthrow truth. But these aren’t every church.

Find a solid church, one with life and joy. Become an active and vital part of what God is doing there. 

This may mean going back to where you have previously attended. It might be hard, it’ll probably require some humility, but it’ll be worth it.

Deacons and their Wives

1 Timothy 3:8-13

It just makes sense that an overqualified servant would have a family that measures up to his character. Paul’s description of a deacon continues to include the deacon’s family and his perspective of reward.

The Deacon’s Wife

Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. 
1 Timothy 3:11

The presence of these qualifications for the deacons wife are a further indication of the importance of this office in the church.

The Deacons wife must be:

  • Grave: (Same as with deacons) honorable, viewing important things as important.
  • Not slanderous: She won’t tell lies about others to make people think badly of them. This slander would also include gossip.
  • Sober: She is well balanced, has a steadiness about her.
  • Faithful in all things: She is trustworthy and faithful. 

The Deacon’s Family

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 
1 Timothy 3:12

He is to be the husband of one wife. A one woman man.

This verse compares interestingly with verses 4-5. Just as a pastor must have an orderly household, the deacon must as well. When a pastor’s kids aren’t terrors it’s one thing, but when the deacons kids are walking in God’s way the testimony of the church increases greatly.

The Deacon’s Reward

For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. 
1 Timothy 3:13

A deacons service isn’t in vain. Those who serve well have received two things: “a good degree”, and “great boldness in the faith”. 

A Good Degree

The phrase “good degree” has the idea of a favorable rise in standing.

Though a deacons focus must be on true service, there will be a many who see that service and respect him greatly in it. The surest way to influence is through service.

In Matthew 23 Jesus taught about the importance of service.

10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.  
11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.  
12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. 
Matthew 23:10–12

Jesus words on Service show that the way to true greatness is through service.

Great Boldness

In this is think of Stephen and Philip. I also think of the many deacons I have known who have had great boldness in witnessing.

Just this last Sunday one of the deacons shared about the opportunities God has given him to witness in the last few weeks. These come only with boldness.

Boldness only comes from sincerity and confidence. The deacon who is true to who God has called him to be in and out of church meeting times and is grounded in God’s word will know great boldness in the faith.

Your Turn

Serve: Jesus called all of us to serve. You don’t need a special office. You don’t need a vote. Be a person of character, and serve.

Study: Search the gospels for where Jesus talks about service and greatness.

(Here are some passages to get you started: Matt 18:1-11, Matt 20:20-28, Luke 9:46-48, Luke 22:24-27)

Are you a deacon? Read and pray through this passage. God has given you a great opportunity in the place you serve. Seek only Him for the good standing and boldness.

Are you looking for a deacon? Consider the family of the man being considered before appointing him to this very important role.

Deacons (Part 1)

1 Timothy 3:8-13

The role of deacons in the Bible and in churches is very interesting. In many churches deacons are part of the legal structure of the church and the accountability of the ministry. They are often very resourceful men of God, leaders of faith. 

But what is a deacon according to the Bible? And what does the Bible say about what kind of men should be deacons?

What is a Deacon?

A Servant

The word deacon is translated here from a word meaning “servant”. The idea is strange.  The “deacons” (plural) were to be a group of men with very specific and very high qualifications. Their purpose was to serve the church.

The first group of deacons (Acts 6:1-7) were among the most overqualified group of servants ever.

The First Deacons

The Apostles saw that the needs of the widows in the church’s care were too great for them to meet and to continue to be faithful in prayer and active in the ministry of the word. So they asked for men to be nominated for this ministry…

Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.” 
Acts 6:3

A Bold Example

These men didn’t just serve tables, their faithfulness led them to testify of Christ with boldness. Stephen, one of these men, was martyred for his faith at the end of Acts 7 after giving irrefutable testimony of Christ. Philip, another of the deacons from Acts 6, was instrumental in seeing the gospel spread to Samaria and then, through an Ethiopian official, into North Africa (Acts 8:4-13, 26-40). Philip is later referred to as “Philip the evangelist” in Acts 8:8.

Like these great men of the faith, our deacons today must be chosen carefully, they must be men of humility and service, but they must also be men who are bold in the faith.

In 1 Timothy 3 Paul gives the qualifications of this office with some guidance about their families, and how they can use the office of a deacon.

Qualifications of a Deacon

8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;  
9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.  
10 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless. 
1 Timothy 3:8–10

Paul lists these qualifications for a servant of the church. He must be:

Grave: A man who is honorable. He isn’t flippant about important things.

Not double-tongued: He speaks the truth to whoever he is talking with. Gossip and lies are not the way of a deacon.

Not given to much wine: as with the pastor, he isn’t given to the use alcohol.

Not greedy of filthy lucre: His goal isn’t money, this is key as some of the roles of a deacon will involve the use of money for ministry. He won’t neglect the role of a deacon to pursue personal wealth.

Hold to the gospel with a pure conscience: The Mystery of the gospel is the revealed gospel and its implications for all peoples. Deacons need to be grounded in God’s Word.

Proven and found blameless: Time must be given to observe someone being considered for appointment as a Deacon. Great damage could be done by one man who would misuse this office.


Many of these qualifications overlap with those given earlier in the chapter for Pastors. There is a good reason for this. In the early church Pastors would mostly come from within the church. They would likely be saved, baptized, trained and ordained to minister in the same church.

The deacons would have been instrumental in this process and potentially have been men that would later be called to pastor whether in that church or in another church in the same city.

The rest of this passage (which we’ll look at next week) bear this out even more, talking about the deacons wife, family and the implications of his service.

Your Turn

Serve: Jesus called all of us to serve. You don’t need a special office. You don’t need a vote. Be a person of character, and serve.

Study: Compare the qualifications of a Pastor (1 Tim 3:1-7) with those of a deacon (1 Tim 3:8-13). How are they similar? How are they different?

Are you a deacon? Read and pray through this passage. God has given you a great opportunity in the place you serve. Seek only Him for good standing and boldness.

Are you looking for a deacon? Give time to prove a man before appointing him to be a deacon. We sometimes see potential in people and try to help them reach it. This is good, but appointing someone as a deacon too soon can be very damaging.

Who’s the Pastor? (Part 2)

1 Timothy 3:1-7

Last week we looked at the desire for ministry and the needed character of a pastor. Today we’re going to carry that on into how that desire and character are applied and evidenced in their family, maturity, and testimony.

Family Life

A pastors family life shows just how well his character is lining up with the characteristics Paul gave in verses 2 and 3. Here’s what he says about the Pastor and his family:

4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;  5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 
1 Timothy 3:4–5

I am blest to be a PK. As a kid, I knew my dad wasn’t caught up in seeking his own glory. He always worked to lead us, my family and my church, to a real walk with God. This meant that we talked about the Bible like it was real and practical at home, and we heard the same thing from the pulpit every time the church doors were open.

How a pastor leads his family will show how he is leading the church. A man who doesn’t have his own house in order probably isn’t the best choice to lead a church.

Pastor, don’t lose track of how you are leading your family. This is one of the greatest ministries you have. 


A pastor cannot properly lead a church if he is a novice.

Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 
1 Timothy 3:6

A novice is a new christian. There is NOTHING wrong with being a new christian! In fact I think some of us who have been saved a while could learn from the zeal of the newly saved. But that zeal isn’t always accompanied by the maturity needed to lead a church.

In this Paul is calling on the spiritually mature to pastor. The new Christian should learn and grow and be encouraged in his desire to be a pastor, but appointing him to that role before he is ready would lead to his own destruction and the harm of that local church.


A pastors character, family life and maturity must be seen by the world outside the church.

Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. 
1 Timothy 3:7

This refers to the reputation that a pastor has in a community, among unsaved people. How does he conduct business? Is he kind? Fair? What skeletons do they see in his closet that are hidden from those in his church?

Why does this matter?

Why would the opinions and perspectives of the unsaved world matter in a case like this?

Let me answer that with some questions. Would you go to a church pastored by a man who was given to road rage? who frequently broke “minor” laws to get what he wanted? Or, who had addictions he was unwilling to deal with?

My unsaved friends see all of these kinds of things in pastors as reasons to not trust churches and christians.

In short: Testimony matters.

Your Turn

Are you a pastor? 

Pay attention to the needs of your family. They are a precious responsibility from God.

Let your family and the world around you see you walk with God for real. Be the example of character and maturity that our world needs.

Are you called to be a pastor? 

Grow in your spiritual maturity. Read God’s word daily, memorize, meditate on it and apply it to the world around you. Make yourself accountable to a trusted friend, your pastor or others to growth and maturity. 

Maybe you are neither of the people mentioned so far.

Pray for your pastor. Your pastor needs your prayer and support.

Be your pastor’s encourager. Too often we criticize without any attempt to encourage. Don’t fall into this trap. As we go along there will be instruction for how to approach your pastor with concerns, and there may be a place for these, but in it all be an encourager.

Who’s the Pastor? (Part 1)

1 Timothy 3:1-7

When you think of a Pastor, what are some of the first thoughts that come to mind? (Take a minute and put these in the comment section below.)

Following some general instruction for Timothy about church meetings, Paul goes on to explain the offices of Church Leadership. These offices are Pastor (Bishop) and Deacon.

Bishop is one of the office names for a Pastor used in scripture. We most commonly use the more personal term “Pastor” these days, so that’s how we’ll be referring to this office in the paragraphs that follow.

What are the qualifications of a pastor?

The Desire to Be a Pastor

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.” 
1 Timothy 3:1

The words “desire” and “desireth” carry the idea of something that you long for and are reaching after. God places that desire to be a pastor in the hearts of some. This should be encouraged.

Let me repeat this: The desire to be a pastor is a good thing! Looking after God’s people is a “good work.” This is an effort that is pleasing to God.

I was challenged about my call to pastor just after I turned 19. I was eating a meal with an older pastor and was asking questions trying to learn from his experience and wisdom. He must have caught on, he stopped the conversation and very curtly asked me, “How do you know that you’re called to be a pastor? Lots of people start on this without actually being called. Are you REALLY called to it? Don’t tell people you are then quit later.”

I was blown away. 

I can understand this man’s reason for concern, I’m sure many men have been pastors who weren’t called.

The Ministry leader I was with took me aside later and showed me 1 Timothy 3:1, he told me that if God had given me this desire I was after a good work. I walked away from this experience more sure of my calling than I ever before.

Wanting something isn’t enough, without the Personal Character, Family life, Maturity, and Testimony to carry it out.

Personal Character

2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;  3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
1 Timothy 3:2–3

Following desire a pastor must have a high degree of personal character.

For brevities sake, I’ll summarize these. I highly recommend that you take the time to do a personal study on these characteristics.

A pastor must be: 

  • Blameless: above reproach
  • The husband of one wife: a one-woman man
  • Vigilant: Will keep his head when things are out of wack, alert to the dangers surrounding the flock
  • Sober: He isn’t controlled by his own emotions
  • Of good behavior: has established order in his own life.
  • Given to hospitality: willing to open his home to strangers.
  • Apt to teach: simply able to teach, this includes knowledge and wisdom to apply truth to the needs of the church.
  • Not given to wine: he doesn’t allow for misuse of alcohol. The simplest way to accomplish this is to not consume alcohol at all. 
  • No Striker: He isn’t ready to attack others.
  • Not greedy of filthy lucre: His goal isn’t money.
  • Patient: He is gracious and patient in interactions. 
  • Not a brawler: A peacemaker not a fight-starter. Not quick to anger, or violent in self-defense.
  • Not Covetous: He isn’t primarily after personal gain in any form. This selflessness of character allows him to put God and others first.

So much application could be made on each of these points. In fact, I’m sure as you read them you thought of pastors that were examples of these things in either a positive or negative way.

Your Character

God hasn’t called everyone in every church to be a pastor, but imagine how it would benefit a church if every member strove for this character.

Reread that list, how does your character line up? Maybe you struggle in a couple of these areas. I know some of these points are not natural for me. Seek God’s help to have this quality of character.

Your Turn

Are you a pastor? 

Reconnect with the desire that God put in you heart to minister to His church.

Meditate through this list again, and seek to grow even more in your personal character, family life, maturity and testimony.

Are you called to be a pastor? 

Has God given you the desire to pastor?

Talk to your pastor about it. Then study through this set of qualifications and seek God’s help in being a person of character.

Maybe you are neither of the people mentioned so far.

This a challenge to grow in this personal character.

Be a support to your pastor in prayer and encouragement. He is a human being. He’s going to struggle and it’s probably harder for him to have real friends than you know.

We’ll look at the rest of the passage next week.

Men in Church

Roles in Church (Part 1)

1 Timothy 2:8

Ever get done with a training time just to realize the resulting action wasn’t clear? You know there is something for you there, you’re just not sure what it was. This passages jumps straight from teaching on prayer right into how the family works in church. 

Let’s not forget how practical God’s Word really is. Teaching is given in this passage for both men and women in church (we’ll look at the part for women next week).

Men, Pray!

I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” 
1 Timothy 2:8
I will therefore that men pray every where…”

Here again we see the word “therefore”. This is pointing us back to the previous passage, this thought build on that one.

In verses 1-7 Paul makes the case for Prayer in church, now he’s going to give some instruction for this to happen. 

Men are to pray.

Some of this instruction is good whether you’re a man or woman. I think there is a reason that Paul focused this to men, and I’ll try to address that as we work through this verse.

Pray Everywhere

This phrase as it would naturally seem means: “Pray wherever you are.” 

Wherever you are, men should pray

In the context of church meetings this is instruction for men to pray.

Men need to pray in church. Men need to pray in their homes. This is a NEED. 

I don’t personally see that this excludes women from praying in church meetings, but there may be cultural contexts where that is necessary. This passage is calling out men to lead in church (more on this is as we progress through the epistle).

Pray Lifting up Holy Hands

Lifting Hands

The outstretched arm is an instinctive expression of trust, a child won’t reach out to someone they don’t trust. Prayer is reaching out to God in trust. It calls out to His strength and waits on Him for a response.

From what I read raising hands in prayer was culturally normal is some of these regions, as it is in some places even now. However we pray: with hands raised, without them raised, our hearts must be reaching for God. We must know that we have reached the end of ourselves, and wait on Him for His perfect strength.

Lifting Holy Hands

18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear me: 
19 But verily God hath heard me; He hath attended to the voice of my prayer. 
20 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, Nor his mercy from me. 
Psalm 66:18–20

God is interested in our holiness. So much is said about this in scripture (see Isa 6:1-8, 1 Pet 1:15-16 and others).

When we regard iniquity in our hearts our prayers are only surface deep. We are bringing God just the words of this prayer, not our devotion. Our hands are the main way we act on things. How we use them is a direct expression of out intentions and priorities.

Think through how you’ve used your hands today. Are they able to be lifted to God as Holy?

God is very merciful and will forgive sin as His children confess it to Him. (1 John 1:9)

Pray without Wrath

In the movie “Inside Out” the character, Anger, was male. This wasn’t random. Men are known for greater external indications of anger.

Do you find yourself naturally drawn to prayer when you’re deep in an anger fit? I don’t! Are you able to genuinely pray for someone that you are plotting revenge against? I’m not!

Anger is human. What you do with that anger is where there is a potential for sin (Eph 4:26-27). Don’t harbor that anger when you come to God in prayer.

Pray without Doubting

Doubt is the enemy of Faith. Think back to the Garden of Eden, the serpent brought doubt into Eves mind with the simple phrase “hath God said” (Gen 3:1).

Later in the New Testament James warns against doubt (James 1:6-7).

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.  7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. James 1:6–7

We cannot expect God to answer the prayer we don’t believe in Him to answer.

Your Turn


Volunteer to pray, help start prayer teams, and grow in your personal pray life.

Men, take this challenge and lead in prayer.

Pray through the items listed in this verse.

Ask God to show you any sin you’re regarding in your heart, ask Him to show you any anger or doubt.

Pray First

1 Timothy 2:1-7

Timothy was in a war (1 Timothy 1:18). He had been called and gifted by God for ministry in training people in God’s word. He had been trained by Paul for this ministry. And now he is on his mission: teaching truth, calling out error and leading souls to a merciful savior. 

Now what?

What’s his first step? How should he get started?


I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;” 
1 Timothy 2:1

Notice the word “therefore”, this word is an arrow pointing us back in the text. It’s telling us “You may have read on, but don’t forget what I just said.” 

Yes, Timothy is on a mission. And that mission will involve a lot of interaction with people. But it MUST all begin with prayer.

Pray First

Prayer must be first. Whether this is in priority or in chronology it must be first, not an afterthought. I wrote before on this passage and I’ll refer you to that post for further application of this verse.

Our focus in the ministry of God’s word is often consumed by the words we plan to say. We stress over the order of points, we look up endless lists of words in Thesauruses to find just the right word. This isn’t a bad thing, precision is important. But when we get fixated on our own performance we can miss the power of God. 

We must pray first.

Pray for Everyone

Paul encouraged Timothy and the church to pray for “all men”.

Pray for everyone. Don’t hold back your prayers. Don’t assume that someone is beyond help.

I once had a student in Victory Club who was very difficult to work with. Rebellious, mean, defiant. I have to admit that when she stopped coming to club, I didn’t miss her. A couple months later I was going through my prayer planning notebook and was just about to strike out her name, when something stopped me. I left it there and prayed for her daily.

About 6 months later she came back to club, out of the blue. I was shocked. Then we invited her to a youth event a couple weeks later, where she was saved! I don’t give any real credit to my prayers, I give credit to the God Who called me to pray.

Don’t stop praying! Pray for everyone!

Pray for Leadership

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” 
1 Timothy 2:2

Pray for your government leaders.

Our government dictates the boundaries of how freely we can present God’s truth. We in the United States are very blessed to have the freedoms we do. God’s influence in governmental affairs is vital for our freedom to carry out His commands. In praying for them we are looking for God to give us peace.

We do not look to government for permission to share God’s word. However government can be a tool in God’s hand for protection as we share his Word.

Pray for Souls to Be Saved

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;  4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” 
1 Timothy 2:3–4

God wants us to pray this way, because He wants everyone to be saved. This is a powerful reason to pray and to present God’s word boldly. 

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;  6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” 
1 Timothy 2:5–6

Not only does God want people to be saved, but Jesus made the way for us to be saved. Jesus is the mediator between God and mankind. He is uniquely able to ransom sinners.

Your Turn: Pray

My challenge couldn’t be simpler. Pray!

In preparing for this post I remembered someone that I have wanted to be see saved for years, but I haven’t been praying for them. I know how easy it is to want things but never pray, even things that I know God wants.

Think through your prayer list. Are there people who you should be praying for but you aren’t?

Is there anyone you have “given up” on. Let me encourage you to keep praying for them. God isn’t done with them, keep praying.

Hymn of Praise

“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 
1 Timothy 1:17

This is one of my favorite hymns in scripture. From it comes one of my favorite hymns to sing in church. 

Immortal, Invisible by: Walter C. Smith

Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes, 
Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, 
Almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise. 
Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, 
Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might; 
Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above 
Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.
Great Father of glory, pure Father of light, 
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight; 
All praise we would render- O help us to see 
'Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee!

Hymns in Paul’s Writing

Paul includes this in his introduction to the letter to Timothy. Right in the middle of his exhortation to doctrinal accuracy, right after his remembrance of the grace and mercy of God given to him in his salvation Paul includes this hymn. 

Let’s not miss this. Paul is writing to someone who is to be an apologist, a belief warrior and he writes in the words of this hymn.

I can imagine Paul sitting at a desk, writing this letter to his son in the Faith, his heart overflowing with praise for the God Who saved him. Committing with the words of this song to honor and glorify God for ever and ever. 

Music Teaches

This hymn isn’t out of place. Just the opposite. Music teaches. As a teacher of truth Timothy could harness the power of hymns such as this in leading others to stand for truth. We can teach ourselves and others with the music we choose to let into our minds.

The Power of Music

What we sing to ourselves can strengthen or weaken us. We can pump our brains full of the ideology of a world that is against God. Or we can live in the joy of praise to God. These choices exist in every area of life. But none more than in what music you choose today.

I am blown away by the messages of modern music. The selfishness, sensuality, the disregard of God and his ways. Just last week I was exposed to a country song that basically had the message “God stays in his part of my life and I get the rest”. This isn’t a health perspective of God or life!

Our hymns are a different story. These songs are composed of words that  move us to praise. Combined with their music, these hymns present a God worthy of praise and worship.

Your Turn

Make music a part of your worship to God.

What are some of the songs and hymns that lift your heart to praise and worship God?  In the comments share some of the music that helps keeps your focus on God and His truth.

Be willing to turn off music that is teaching you things you know to be contrary to scripture.

Find some music that will lift the eyes of your heart to God, and motivate you to praise Him.

Here are a few songs and hymns that have been a blessing to me:

Is He Worthy?

You Alone are God

(To my knowledge this song has not been professionally recorded)

Immortal, Invisible

Operation Ephesus

1 Timothy 1:18-20

Operation Neptune Spear

Wartime is filled with special missions. Missions so important that great care is taken to keep them a secret. They are staffed with only the people critical to success, and each person is trained to have laser focus on the objective.

In May of 2011 the US Military undertook one such mission. This one to capture or kill one of the United States most wanted: Osama bin Laden. Codenamed: “Operation Neptune Spear” the mission included a group of highly train Navy Seals who entered the terrorists compound, cleared it, killed the mass murder, and left with valuable intelligence in under 40 minutes.

The mission Timothy was on wasn’t going to break the news cycle like Operation Neptune Spear did, but it was very important nonetheless. 

Operation Ephesus

Paul had asked Timothy to stay in Ephesus (1 Tim 1:3), but this was more than a request. This was a specific charge, a mandate that would involve Timothy’s calling, skill, training and focus.

This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;” 
1 Timothy 1:18

Mission Operator: Timothy

God had told them that Timothy would take part in this Charge. I don’t know what form this prophecy took, but it’s safe to assume that God made it very clear to his church that Timothy was meant to work for Him in the proclamation of the gospel and defense of the truth.

Mission Objective: Sound Doctrine

Timothy was to ensure that the believers in this place were taught the truth (1 Tim 1:3-4). This would be no small task. Already just a few years after the gospel was first preached in this region false teaching was making its way into churches.

Mission Resources: Faith and Good Conscience

Paul knew that this would be a war, but Timothy had the resources he needed to carryout this struggle.

Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:” 
1 Timothy 1:19

Timothy would need Faith and a Good conscience in this fight. These are the same words we discussed in 1 Tim 1:5. Paul was very concerned that Timothy keep these things as he went to battle.


This refers to the whole of what Timothy knew from scripture and from Paul’s teachings. He would need this confidence in the fight.

Paul, in writing to the church at Ephesus called faith a shield that would “quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” (Eph 6:16) This Faith is the main line of defense against the doubt that evil forces hurl at believers. Timothy would need this confidence just as much as the people in his church. 

Good Conscience

In the defense of the truth I fear that some abandon their own conscience. We can get a christian version of “the ends justify the means” and leave behind the guidance of the Holy Spirit in a vain attempt to advance the cause. This is a sure way to lose your way. 

Mission History

Others had failed this charge because they lacked faith.

Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.” 
1 Timothy 1:20

While we don’t know a lot about these men, they are used as negative examples. They abandoned God, put aside faith and good conscience leaving Paul no choice but to bar them from Christian fellowship.

Learn from examples like this, view the wreckage of their lives and ministries as a warning about a way to avoid. Preach the word, with your words and with your choices.

Your Turn

Operation Ephesus lives on wherever you are when you read this. The Gospel still needs to be proclaimed boldly, the truth is still the only place to stand. Like Timothy you will need the resources of faith and a good conscience. Many have fallen in this struggle as they give in to false doctrine and reject God.

Will you stand in this war?