How to “Do Church”

An overview of 1 Timothy.

In ministry we often look to other examples as a starting place for the practical points of things. This has a good side and a bad side. 

  • Good: We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There is no shame and LOTS of wisdom in learning from others.
  • Bad: We sometimes use what others are doing as a starting point when we should be going back to the Word of God to see how things are supposed to look.

Where should a Pastor Start?

What would it look like to start from scratch? A brand new church, with just the biblical approach of church and ministry. How would a pastor start?

Meet Timothy

Timothy and Titus are the guys who know what this is like. Before churches all used hymnals or had a similar order of service as everyone else, these men of God were pastoring churches that sprang up as a result of Paul’s missionary work. Paul wrote them three letters going over some of the most important points for New Testament Churches. 

Over the next few weeks we’re going to be looking at the first of these epistles, 1 Timothy. But before we get into the details let’s zoom out and get an overview of this letter to Timothy.

Overview of 1 Timothy


Paul the Apostle states that he is the author in 1 Timothy 1:1. Paul was converted to being a follower of Christ after persecuting the Church (Acts 9). He was called at his conversion to be a minister for Christ to the Gentiles (anyone who is not a Jew) though it took a few years for him to really begin this ministry (Acts 13). Paul was probably the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the city of Ephesus (Acts 18:19-21) this visit was very brief, but Paul returned later and spent over 2 years with these new believers (Acts 19).


Timothy (also called Timotheus) was the main recipient of the this letter (1 Timothy 1:2)

Timothy had been received into Paul’s church planting team for Paul’s second missionary journey (Acts 16:1-3). He was the son of a Greek man (probably an unbeliever, though we don’t know for sure) and a believing mother. He had been given a heritage of faith in Christ by his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. 

Timothy was probably not a super confident person. Paul encourages him a couple of times to not let anyone despise him (1 Tim 4:12) and not be driven by fear (2 Tim 1:6-7). Yet Timothy was someone Paul could rely on (Philippians 2:19-23). Paul viewed him as a son.

Key Thoughts and Structure

(Paul’s purposes in writing essentially create the outline of the Epistle)

I have had to summarize the themes in these points, but hope to unpack a lot of this in the coming weeks and months.

Right Teaching – 1 Timothy 1

Right Worship and Church Organization – 1 Timothy 2-3

Personal Instruction for Timothy – 1 Timothy 4

Right Relationships in Church – 1 Timothy 5-6:2

Right Priorities – 1 Timothy 6:3-21


Read this letter in one sitting. This will help you see it’s structure and overall message.


What are some of your favorite verses from the Firat Letter to Timothy?

What jumped out to you from what Paul was writing that we could apply as we “Do Church”?

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