What are we doing at Church?

I have an unpopular truth to share with you… are you ready? “Worship” the way we tend to think of it today, singing, isn’t a primary purpose of church meetings. There it is. Singing in church is something I LOVE (note the all caps, those weren’t a mistake) but the New Testament only lists them twice in connection to church meetings (Eph 5:19 and Col 3:16), however the references to other key components of church meetings are all over the New Testament, particularly Paul’s Letters. 

“What are they?” You may be asking, well I’ll tell you about one of them this week, the other we’ll look into next week.

What are we doing at church?
“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13

Pay Attention! What Paul would say to focus on.

“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.”

1 Timothy 4:13

Paul wanted Timothy to pay attention to these these three things: Reading, Exhortation, and Doctrine. This isn’t to say that this was the only thing that Timothy ever did, I’m sure there were many times of comfort, rejoicing, etc. But these things needed to be in focus. Let’s look at why this might be and how we can put feet to this scriptural command.


Bible reading is the foundation or scriptural understanding and spiritual growth. It is the energy and accountability that believers and churches need to live for God. Timothy and his church needed Bible reading, you and I need Bible reading as well.

What are your Bible reading habits like?

Don’t read condemnation in that question. I sincerely care about your time with God in His word. There is no greater habit you can build than to be faithful in Bible reading and Prayer.

Public Bible Reading

Bible visibility is a key part of a New Testament church. You should hear the words of scripture read every time you go to church. When I preach I am careful to read the words of scripture. They have power! My words don’t have that power.


The word “exhortation” is a bit outside of our normal vocabulary. Most of don’t go to church saying: “Man, I need some exhortation today.”

Exhortation (english word) means: “incitement to that which is good or commendable” We might think of the word “encouragement.” If someone is down, we encourage them, if they are doing well, we encourage them. You get the point. The greek word carries the same breadth of meaning.

Could you go to church saying, “How can I encourage someone?”

There are many people who need this support, encouragement, and confidence. Where better to get it than from God’s people?


The church is meant to be a group of people that teach each other and learn from each other. The word “doctrine” simply means teaching. The teaching of God’s word. But not just the fun trivia we need practical application. 

Teaching and Learning are amazing gifts, but it’s not easy to learn. Learning requires humility. Many times we go to our church meetings and don’t want to lose face. Trust me there is more to gain in learning than you might lose by acknowledging that you don’t know.

Bible Ready, Encouraging others, and Bible Teaching

That’s it. Paul would want us to pay attention to these things. So get to it.

When you’re in church next look for the presentation of the Word of God (reading), seek to be an encouragement to others (exhortation), and walk into it willing to learn (doctrine).

Your Turn

How can you do these things in your next church meeting? 

Maybe your church is still meeting online, how can you apply these goals to the online format?

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